Design of a 500W Class Micro Turbine Generator System as a Next Generation Military Power Source |
Sang-Kyu Choi, Bum-Suk Choi, Yong-Shik Han, Byung-Chul Woo, In-Hyuck Song, Seong-Ki Min, Jin-Sik Lim |
차세대 군용전원용 500W급 마이크로 터빈 발전기 시스템 설계 |
최상규, 최범석, 한용식, 우병철, 송인혁, 민성기, 임진식 |
1한국기계연구원 나노융합시스템연구본부/에너지플랜트연구본부 2한국전기연구원 전동력연구센터 3한국재료연구소 엔지니어링세라믹연구그룹 4국방과학연구소 1기술본부 5부 |
Abstract |
Recent developments of small-size unmanned or manned mobile systems such as autonomous robots, exoskeleton or armored suits, micro air vehicles, and unmanned armored vehicles require long-lasting independent power sources of high energy and power density to support the systems' operation for up to 72 hours in the fields. Chemical batteries such as Ni-MH, Li-Ion, the current primary power sources for mobile devices, however, are not capable of providing enough power and energy density for the next generation high power mobile machines. For this reason, KIMM along with KERI and KIMS has been carrying out a 500W MTG development project under the DAPA's "Next generation military power source R&D program" since 2009. In this paper, a design process for a 500W MTG system currently being developed at KIMM is briefly described and the technical issues related to its development are addressed. |
Key Words:
Mobile Power Generator, Energy/Power Density, Micro Turbine Generator, High Speed |