Optimization for the Internal Structure of a Recuperator with Offset Strip Fins |
Kyu-Hyung Do, Yong-Shik Han, Byung-Il Choi, Myung-Bae Kim |
오프셋 스트립 휜을 가지는 리큐퍼레이터의 내부 형상 최적화 |
도규형, 한용식, 최병일, 김명배 |
한국기계연구원 |
Abstract |
In the present study, a recuperator is suggested to improve the thermal efficiency of a micro gas turbine. Primary design parameters of the recuperator are determined from the ideal cycle analysis. The counter flow plate-fin heat exchanger with offset strip fins is chosen as the type of the recuperator. In order to satisfy the design constraints which are the minimum effectiveness and the maximum pressure drop, the optimization for the internal structure of the recuperator is performed with varying the fin spacing and the fin height of offset strip fins. Also the effects of the thermal conductivity of fins and separation plates and the longitudinal heat conduction on the thermal performance of the recuperator are investigated. |
Key Words:
Micro Gas Turbine, Recuperator Design, Plate-fin Heat Exchanger, Offset Strip Fin |