Study on the formulations for Topical Skin Protectant against Liquid-Phase Chemical Warfare Agents
Sang Woong Kim, Dong Sung Seo, Hong Ha Son, Chi Ho Yu, Hae Eun Joe, Young Cho
J. KIMS Technol. 2022;25(2):210-217.   Published online 2022 Apr 5     DOI:
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In-vitro Tests of Topical Skin Protectants using a Flow-Through Diffusion Cell System Containing Excised Hairless Mouse Skin
Eun Young Lee, Hoo Kyun Choi, Sang Woong Kim, Dong Sung Seo, Hae Eun Joe, Chi Ho Yu, Chang Hwan Kim, Young Cho
Journal of the Korea Institute of Military Science and Technology.2022; 25(4): 434.     CrossRef