J. KIMS Technol Search


J. KIMS Technol > Volume 19(6); 2016 > Article
Journal of the Korea Institute of Military Science and Technology 2016;19(6):681-689.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.9766/KIMST.2016.19.6.681   
The Geolocation Estimation System for a Stationary Emitter using Rotating Antenna
Hyungyu Kwak, Sangwon Kim, Daegyu Choi
The 2nd Research and Development Institute, Agency for Defense Development
회전안테나를 이용한 고정 신호원 위치탐지 시스템
곽현규, 김상원, 최대규
국방과학연구소 제2기술연구본부
In the direction and location finding field of application, AOA, TDOA and FDOA, etc. are used to improve the performance of geolocation. But, these methods cause some limitations such as the calibrations for phase and amplitude matching and precise time synchronization among receiving channels. In this paper, We suggest a method for generating FDOA using rotating antenna and the geolocation of stationary emitter using two receivers in one platform for minimizing the limitations. We present performance of simulation results and test results of the FDOA geolocation system. The direction finding errors of the system are less than $0.1^{circ}$ rms and the distance errors are less than 3 % compared with the practical distance.
Key Words: Rotating Antenna, FDOA, Direction Finding, Geolocation


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