J. KIMS Technol Search


J. KIMS Technol > Volume 15(4); 2012 > Article
Journal of the Korea Institute of Military Science and Technology 2012;15(4):359-365.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.9766/KIMST.2012.15.4.359   
A Dynamic Analysis on the Latch of Soft Recoil System
Dae-Hyun Woo, Young-Shin Lee, Heung-Tae Kim, Sang-Bae Jun, Kyu-Sub Lee, Kuk-Jeong Kang
1Chung-Nam National University
2Hyundai Wia
3RMS Tech
연식주퇴 시스템 포신고정 장치의 동적 해석
우대현, 이영신, 김흥태, 전상배, 이규섭, 강국정
1충남대학교 기계설계공학과
2현대 위아
3(주)RMS 테크
In the soft recoil system, the recoiling parts are initially accelerated to the forward direction. These parts are returned to original position by the firing with intial acceleration speed. The latch of the soft recoil system keeps the high impact load when the recoil parts were recuperated to the forward direction. In this study, the latch of soft recoil system using the ADAMS program was analyzed. The optimal operation parameters were found that max. angle and expansion length of latch was $50^{circ}$, 180 mm respectively. Dynamic structural analyses of model cases were performed using finite element model. The max. stress and deflection of latch was 230 MPa and 0.45 mm respectively.
Key Words: Latch, Soft Recoil System, Recoil Force


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