J. KIMS Technol Search


J. KIMS Technol > Volume 19(3); 2016 > Article
Journal of the Korea Institute of Military Science and Technology 2016;19(3):395-403.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.9766/KIMST.2016.19.3.395   
Motion Analysis of an Underwater Vehicle Running near Wave Surface
Hyeon Kyu Yoon, Seong Phil Ann, Chulmin Jung, Chan-Ki Kim
1School of Industrial Engineering and Naval Architecture, Changwon National University
2Research Institute of Safety Technology, SafeTechResearch
3The 6th Research and Development Institute, Agency for Defense Development
파랑수면 근처에서 항주하는 수중운동체의 운동해석
윤현규, 안성필, 정철민, 김찬기
1창원대학교 산업조선해양공학부
2(주)세이프텍리서치 안전기술연구소
3국방과학연구소 제6기술연구본부
A cylinder-type underwater vehicle for military use that is running near the free surface at the final homing stage to hit a surface ship target is affected by wave force and moment. Since wave can affect an underwater vehicle running at the depth less than half of the modal wave length, it is important to confirm that the underwater vehicle can work well in such a situation. In this paper, wave force and moment per unit wave amplitude depending on wave frequency, wave direction, and vehicle's running depth were calculated by 3-Dimensional panel method, and the numerical results were modeled in external force terms of six degrees of freedom equations of motion. Motion simulation of the underwater vehicle running in various speed, depth, and sea state were performed.
Key Words: Underwater Vehicle, Simulation, Equations of Motion, Wave Surface


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